Special Abilities
1d6 | the Strength of this card is determined by using a 6-sided die. Each time the card is attacked, roll the die again to determine its current Strength. |
1d8 | the Strength of this card is determined by using an 8-sided die. Each time the card is attacked, roll the die again to determine its current Strength. |
1d10 | the Strength of this card is determined by using a 10-sided die. Each time the card is attacked, roll the die again to determine its current Strength. |
A | adventurers: When this letter is associated with a card's Strength, it is equal to the number of adventurers in the group. |
Bodyguard |
when this dungeon card is defeated, the dungeon master may
immediately place a Tenacity token on the face-up monster
card of her choice (never on a trap).
In the solitaire game, place a Tenacity token on the monster that has the lowest Strength of those in play that does not have one. In case of a tie, randomly determine which among the lowest. |
Bounty | once this card is defeated, it counts as all four colors. It can be used to pay up to once of each color for the cost of an ultimate power, quest, or object. However, it must be spent all at once. |
Bubbleyes +X | all dungeon cards of the bubbleyes family have their Strength increased by X when this card is face-up. |
C | courage: When this letter is associated with a card's Strength, it is equal to the number of Courage tokens the adventurer player has at the beginning of the battle. |
Dragons +X | all dungeon cards of the dragon family have their Strength increased by X when this card is face-up. |
F | fear: When this letter is associated with a card's Strength, it is equal to the number of Fear tokens the dungeon master has at the beginning of the battle. |
Fierce |
when this dungeon card has a Tenacity token, it earns a
bonus of 2 Strength (instead of 1).
In the solitaire game, this card automatically receives a Tenacity token. |
Final monster | ultimate powers and quests will not work on a final monster. |
Immunity X | this dungeon card cannot be defeated using a die roll that shows a result of X. |
M | mana: When this letter is associated with a card's Strength, it is equal to the number of Mana tokens the adventurer player has at the beginning of the battle. |
Nemesis X | this card has two Strength values. If the group of adventurers has characters of type X, use the value on the right. Otherwise, use the value on the left. |
Nemesis +X | all dungeon cards with the special ability Nemesis have their Strength increased by X when this card is face-up. |
Pain | if the adventurers fail to overcome this dungeon card, the adventurer player loses 2 Courage tokens instead of 1. |
Psi |
if this card is defeated during the combat phase, the
dungeon master may discard a Mana token from the
adventurer of her choice.
In the solitaire game, the player chooses. |
Supremacy | if the dungeon master has more Fear tokens than the adventurer player has Courage tokens, this card receives a bonus of +2 Strength. |
Traps +X | all dungeon cards of the trap family have their Strength increased by X when this card is face-up. |
Treasure | once this card is defeated, it counts as a "wildcard". It can therefore be used as any one color symbol when paying the cost for an ultimate power, quest, or object. |
Undead +X | all dungeon cards of the undead family have their Strength increased by X when this card is face-up. |
Unique | dungeon decks and adventurer groups can only have one copy of this card. All adventurers are Unique. |
Shrouded |
when this monster is defeated, the next dungeon card
is automatically placed face-down.
In the solitaire game, if the card has Fierce when it is revealed, it gains a Tenacity token. |